Friday 18 January 2013

UKIP if you want to. This party is not for kipping. Nigel Farage owns Question Time. It's time to change the landscape

Quite a bit has been made of the fact that Nigel Farage has been on Question Time a rather disproportionate amount in comparison to anybody else over the last couple of years, but quite honestly I don't think this is by design. Farage you see has this nasty old habit of making the normal politician look rather hopeless. Who would want to be forced to share a floor with a man that is so passionately up front that all his answers are given without a moments hesitation to party line and whether or not he said the right thing in the eyes of this cesspit politically correct world we have been forced to live in. The nanny state RIP.

Nigel Farage is a very impressive man. And I believe a brilliant politician.

There is no denying that UKIP have been handed this position on a plate as both Labour and Conservative fight for appearing the best and saying the right thing to appease the masses. It was hip to be PC, now that ship has sailed, and people are just downright fed up. It seems the only person who isn't looked after any more is the working class Brit, who pays their taxes, brings up their children, likes a pint/glass of wine and is proud to be British. Even worse, you cannot be proud to be English, Irish, Scottish or Welsh any more. National flags are forced down because it is deemed racist whilst churches are demolished to be replaced by Mosque's....right in their place in some cases.

I'm not religious, but to be Christian and practice you're faith is deemed the worse crime since the crucifixion of Jesus himself. Everyone has rights. Apart from the British square person.

Well Farage is changing all that. With his clear cut, fearless, no bullshit answers that are short concise and cutting he is changing the political landscape for the better. Witness the un-opinionated Flint and the gormless Shapps and you'll see the cogs grinding away with each and every answer. In it for themselves. These piggies are in it so that they can keep eating from the trough.

UKIP are no longer a desperation vote, but voters MUST have the courage of their convictions. Labour have ruined the economy. I still have cold sweats about the Darling/Blair years which was masked in PR and propaganda. The Tories are doing a half decent job in addressing the national debt, but they are still stained with the millionaires friend tag. They have to tackle the corruption in banking and they have to distribute the wealth a hundred times better. The problem is with the Tory party is for every bit of good they do, you have someone like Christopher Chope who, when their guard is down, paints the picture that we all know really is the true depiction.

An essentially toff-nosed party who are really about as far away from the poor and working class as is imaginable. To even dream of uttering the words 'servants' and have the audacity to continue despite protest, is an outrage. These are not servants, they are real people, working for their families no doubt to be able to pay off this months energy bills because the government of the day thinks that utilities prices are obviously fair and there is no collusion going on between the big boys and that their outrageous profits are not nearly enough. It's a disgrace.

Meanwhile Farage is occupying the ground that is pushing voter buttons. His musings are thus; we are an island. We are not racist, BUT THINGS MUST STOP. Right now. Whoever is on-board this ship can stay on-board, but quite frankly there is no more room at the Inn. Britain has been the soft touch for far, far too long. It's about time it looks after its own and particularly those that need it most in the truly deprived, the disabled and the poor. The EU is just an excuse to waste money. The world will not end tomorrow if we pulled out of the EU. We will still trade but we would have to broaden our trading base, that's all. The Euro zone is in a complete and utter mess.

The EU gravy train must stop. The loss of control of our island must stop. And the politically correct left must acknowledge the right of OTHERS, in free speech and free choice. It's time Britain became proud of itself once and stop worrying what you can and can't say.

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